Investor Relations


Equity Residential's ESG goals


Climate Strategy and Resiliency

  • Conduct portfolio-wide mid-level risk assessments and develop mitigation / resilience plans for high-risk properties by 2024.
  • Complete Resilience Assessments for all assets by 2023.

Energy and Emissions

  • Set a science-based carbon target to reduce our scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, aligned with a scenario that keeps global warming well below 2°C, to be approved by the Science Based Target Initiative.
  • Reduce energy intensity per square foot by 20% by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline) to align with our science-based emissions target.

Water and Waste

  • Reduce portfolio-wide water consumption intensity per square foot by 10% by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline).
  • Maintain waste diversion rate at 15% or higher across our portfolio.

Sustainable Buildings

  • Targeting LEED Gold or above for our wholly-owned developments.
  • Feasibility assessments on sustainable building measures for all new development projects (and acquisitions).
  • Promoting health and wellbeing by incorporating biophilia.
  • Designing buildings to meet or exceed local energy or emissions standards, including anticipated Building Energy Performance Standards.
  • Specifying ENERGY STAR appliances, efficient water fixtures and programmable thermostats.
  • Specifying LED lighting and reviewing lighting design to meet target efficient lighting power densities.
  • Evaluating on-site renewable energy installations.
  • Installation of native and drought tolerant landscaping and drip irrigation.
  • Incorporating features that promote health and wellness including fitness centers, pools, bike rooms, access to natural daylight and outdoor space.


Diversity and Inclusion

  • Perform and participate in annual third-party compensation and benefits benchmarking and analysis of our total rewards program to assess our program

competitiveness, utilization, cost, and identify opportunities to enhance how we reward and incentivize our people while ensuring that pay is aligned and equitable within our internal compensation philosophy.

  • Rollout a bilingual education strategy promoting Preventive Care, securing a Primary Care Physician, completing an annual physical and increased use of Virtual Health Visits.
  • Present and consider a diverse slate of candidates for all mid-management and above positions to help mitigate similar-to-me biases.
  • Build awareness of and bring focus to unconscious bias in recruiting and hiring, including creating a new hiring manager interview guide and new Applicant surveys.
  • Launch digital assistants and implement new Human Capital Management (HCM) dashboards to enhance candidate experience and ensure inclusive hiring practices.
  • Update, revise and expand employee onboarding to include education around Diversity & Inclusion and cultural citizenship skills and train Day 1 Onboarding Facilitators in this implementation.
  • Create solutions to continue to avoid unconscious bias in talent processes (benefits, recruiting, recognition, promotions, performance, compensation, learning, etc.) by conducting business unit inclusion checks.
  • Include Diversity and Inclusion senior leaders on Equity Residential’s ESG Steering Committee and Working Groups to ensure an inclusion lens is consistently applied.

Talent Attraction, Engagement, and Retention

  • Reposition Career Development efforts around skill building to support employees in a desired career path vs being funneled into a particular role.
  • Grow and leverage the Apprenticeship program to bring in new talent to Equity Residential and the property management industry.
  • Guide and support employee promotions, leader transitions and succession to ensure inclusion and future company success.
  • Rollout resources for internal applicants, train Hiring Managers and implement feedback systems to continue to ensure consistent treatment of all candidates.
  • Create and launch coursework that builds skills for dialogue, inclusive leadership across the organization and builds Cultural Citizenship.

Resident Health, Wellbeing, and Satisfaction

  • Expand integration of health and wellbeing programs across 100% of buildings and measure resident participation to enable residents to thrive.
  • Leverage the social component of the resident portal to foster relationships and community and improve resident satisfaction and retention.
  • Develop and share corporate philanthropy focus areas and alignment with company's business.


Business Ethics

  • Have oversight of ethics and corruption issues by Board-level or C-suite/Executive committee.
  • Regularly audit all operations for compliance with ethical standards at least once every three years.
  • Develop and disclose a formal Human Rights Policy.
  • Establish or create policy that comprehensively covers bribery and anti-corruption, including assessment of operations deemed to be “high risk.”
  • Expand anti-harassment and anti-bullying training to all employees.